Topics : Process Version 2022.1

How to create a coaching process in Cognito Coach?

The creation of a coaching approach can be done from several places in the platform.

The approach is created in:
1. * the “Approach” tab
2. * During the first individual or group support activity.
3. * It may also have been created automatically by a “Program”.

1- From the “Approach” tab in the module menu.

A- By clicking on the Create" button.
B-By following the creation steps.


2. During the first individual or group support activity.

By ticking "Linked to an approach (individual or group)


3. * It may also have been created automatically by a . * “Program”


Click on the process to edit it .


You can also
  • Associate this client with another approach.
  • View the progress report.
  • Open the encounter coaching panel.

In summary:

1. We create and feed a coaching process .

2. In which we create a coaching plan .