Topics : Discussions Process Version 2022.4

Online discussion Coach area

When you use the “Online discussions” in Cognito Coach you use secure (encrypted) and confidential exchanges between you and your client. Of course, these exchanges are associated with your client’s file and archived.

IMPORTANT : this feature is functional only when a customer has their Customer Space active .

To start a chat with a customer:

1. Click on the “Discussions” tab in the Cognito Coach menu.inline

2. Click on the image of the person you wish to contact and compose your message.

3. You can attach files of all types to your chat. They will be automatically added to the client’s file.


When you click on the icon represented by a paper clip, new options are available to you:


1- Add a file of any type (document, pdf, image, etc.).
2- You can directly record an audio message instead of writing it for example.
3- Make a video clip
4- Add a website or Youtube link for example.
5- Put emojis

You can also start a discussion directly with the in his coaching process , or in the coaching client’s file. In any case, it will also appear in the “Discussions” tab.


Your client will receive email notification that their coach has started a conversation with them. He can consult it by logging into his Customer Area.

In order to be notified that an online discussion is starting from your client, we invite you to configure your notifications .