Topics : Activities Process Version 2021.1

Coaching panel

When you create a meeting or a call and it is a coaching activity , it is important to indicate this.


The meeting will then be linked to an ongoing coaching process. If no approach is found, Cognito Coach will create one automatically.

You will then have access to the buttoninline which will give you quick access to the various information necessary for coaching before, during and after the meeting.

By clicking on the button, you will find the following sections:


1. Access to a summary of your client file by clicking on the client’s photo in all sections.


2. Preparation

In this panel, you will find:

Your client’s appreciation of their previous coaching.


Their answers to your meeting preparation questions (when they are registered in the Client Area and you have indicated your coaching meeting preparation questions in the “meeting options” in the settings.


3. The objectives

This is where you will find the current coaching plan as well as the various information relating to this plan.


* Plan information and its progress report as of your last meeting.


Notes on progress simply by clicking on the request.


A note appearing on the progress report.


# 4. Requests (actions to take)

Queries are seen as a list of actions to take that vary over time.

For cases in progress, you can track and adjust the progress.



5. Meeting Notes

Indicate your professional notes regarding the current coaching meeting.

* ** The questions in this section are by default. However you can modify them for all your clients either by clicking on the button “modify the default fields of note taking” or in the “Coaching options” .

* Professional notes of the meeting .

* Attachments in any format (eg photos of the meeting board, audio, video, etc.).


6. Coaching appreciation

It is in this section that you receive feedback from your customer when he is registered in COGNITO Customer Space .


7. Next meeting

This section allows you to immediately plan the next coaching meeting with your client.
