Topics : Process Version 2022.3

How to feed a coaching process

You previously added a new coaching approach .

Then we invite you to complete the information in these two sections, which will have an impact on several statistics available in the dashboard .

The Summary section

represents the progress of the process according to the information you have indicated under the information tab


The Information tab inline


1- The status of the coaching process

Tip : Putting the status on “pending” when you have sent a service offer allows you to have access to this information in statistics .

2- The coach(es) involved in this process.

3-The coaching target (the main theme of the coaching process, the main objective).

4- What is at stake for your client (what will change in his life if…)

5-Internal notes that are for the coach.

Planning section


1- Start date of the process (when available)

2- The deadline for the process

3- The estimated number of coaching meetings

4- The estimated number of coaching hours

5- The total estimated amount of the service offer (by default, this amount is invisibleborder inline for your customer.

6- Limit the number of appointments to the estimated number of hours of the process. The customer will not be able to make additional appointments without contacting you.

Coaching plan section


9- You can add one or more objectives

10- Internal notes relating to the coaching process (visible to you only)

11- Notes concerning the progress report (visible on the report if you wish)

To access all of your coaching approaches .