Topics : Activities Activities

Create an activity in COGNITO Coach

To create an activity in Cognito Coach different options are available to you;

A- In your left modules menu and select the tabinline

B-Directly in your calendar by choosing a date and clicking on the icon inline .

C- When a time slot is chosen by your client , a scheduled meeting type activity is automatically created. you can change the type of activity.

You will have to enter some information to create the activity: Only the “Subject” of the activity is mandatory to fill in, the rest can be completed after the creation of the activity.


1 . The type of activity

2 . Link this activity to what? Is this activity part of an accompaniment?

You have three choices here:

    • An individual coaching process

    • A group coaching process

    • No process, because there is no support process related to this meeting (for example: partnership, call for information, administration, etc.).

3 . Indicate with whom this activity will take place:

  • A contact in the case of an individual approach

  • Several people in the case of a group approach

  • A participant in the event that there is no procedure.

This activity is assigned to whom? Visible only in **multi-user** mode you must select the user assigned to this activity.

4. The subject of your activity.

5. Indicate the location where this activity will take place.

  • A videoconference using the integrated and confidential tools of Cognito Coach
  • The place or a link for a virtual meeting with another tool. If you enter a link (ex: Zoom, Team’s…) important to put the full link which includes the http

6. Add the time slot(s) associated with this activity .

7 Click the Create button at the top left.

Tip : Click the iconinline to enter a pre-stored location.

When the location information is listed, you can click on it and Cognito Coach will automatically open a map of the location or site of your virtual meeting.

In a second step you can add additional details now or later as you wish.


1. The status of the activity.


The icon will also appear in your Cognito Coach calendar as well as in another calendar if it is synchronized .

2. Open the encounter panel.

3. Change the link.

4. Add guests.

5. Adjust notifications for this encounter only.

6. Put a color.

7. Add a form.

8. Add an attachment of any type (document, image, audio, YouTube, presentation, etc.) that you can open from your Cognito Coach and make available in the Customer Area.

9. Notes about this activity.

10. Emails associated with this meeting.

11. Activities associated with this meeting.